Tuesday, October 12, 2010

video games and college kids

I haven't updated in a while, sorry. I've been busy with college kid coming home for the weekend, and life in general. College kid is learning to design video games, so naturally, that takes over when he is home.

 Last night, he downloaded an old favorite of ours onto the Wii. (Good thing he is technically gifted, because his poor mom sure isn't.)  He told me the name of the game, but it didn't register until he pulled it up on the tv. Super Mario Brothers 3. We used to spend hours playing this game when the kids were little.

 I couldn't wait to play, but it's been YEARS since I have tried my hand at it. Oh boy. I could not believe how easily everything came back to me-where to jump, what enemies I had to deal with, which direction to go in certain mazes. One's brain must hold a file somewhere marked "things you don't do often, but which are too important to forget entirely".

 Of course, you don't know it's there until you need it again. Strange how the brain works. We had a really good time playing the game again, like old times. Of course the kids are better at video games overall than I am.  A lot better.

 College kid was showing me some of the animation he is doing in class now. As he was giving me a physics lesson, and explaining how it applied to his work, I just remembered him as a little boy, bringing me tree frogs and lizards he had caught outside, excitedly telling me things he had done or learned in school.  Sigh. How did he grow up so fast? He'll be 20 next week. I think one day I had a little boy, then someone replaced him with a grown man.

 Something interesting college kid told me. He ran to the store to get some cough medicine and a drink. His total came to $6.66. The cashier told him to go grab another item to change his total. So he did, and his new total was $7.77.

 Take care, and God bless!

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