Monday, April 29, 2013

Our excitement this evening...

It does seem that there is never a dull moment in this house. There is always something going on to make it lively. It could be all the kids and critters that share our home. Yes, that must be it. LOL

Tonight, I went to cook dinner, and heard something rattling around under the stove. Now we've had a problem mouse that has evaded all our traps, so it could be him. Or it could be a ferret. To solve this dilemma, and feel safe cooking dinner, I did the only logical thing. I called my son in to open the under stove drawer and find out what it was. What? You didn't think I'd do it, did you?

So ds pulls the drawer out, and at first sees nothing. There goes the ferret idea! Suddenly, he sees the mouse-the same time our cat Taco sees it. In a second, she's under that stove, and came prancing out with her prize in her mouth. I wish I had my camera handy to capture the expression on her face. Imagine this cat with a mouth stuffed full of mouse, thinking, "oh my gosh, what do I do now?"

I open the kitchen door, hoping she'll take her trophy outside. No such luck; she hides under the dinner table, and lets him go! Ds jumps up, and starts moving things to find him. At this point, this poor little mouse has 3 cats and a dog on his little tail. He high tails it around the dining room, and out the door!

This is a relief, because for the moment, the mouse is gone. Does anyone else have that song from the Wizard of Oz in her head? "Ding dong, the witch is dead, the Wicked Witch is dead?" Okay, sorry, back to the story. Yes, I do realize he can come back inside if he so chooses. However, with the escort of multiple people, a dog, and three cats seeing him out, he may choose not to return! Yes, I also realize he most likely has family around. I'll keep the traps baited. But for now, for this one evening, the mouse is gone!!

Sorry, no mouse pictures, this all happened in the time span of about two minutes. I do have a picture of Taco for your viewing pleasure. She's a really good cat; loves attention, flat demands it from people. The time you spend petting her equals the amount of time she will then spend licking ds' head. Really.

God Bless,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Thank You

Jesus, my precious Heavenly Father, my Savior, and my God, I just want to say thank You. I want to thank You for the frogs outside my window that are singing like crazy, and keeping me awake. I can hear them, and they mean spring is here. Thank You that they love my pool enough to have a frog party. Thank You for my yard, and all the cantaloupe coming up in it.

Thank You for my home; a warm place to live, where we are safe and comfy. Our neighborhood is wonderful, and I don't think we could find a better one anywhere. Thank You for food in our cupboards, running water, electricity, internet, warm beds, and a lot of love between these walls. Thank You for all of our warm blankets, and soft pillows.

A lot of people are not so lucky to have these things we take for granted. We may not win the lottery, but You always provide enough for us. Enough food, enough money for our bills, just enough for us to be. For that I am thankful. Just like in Exodus, when the Israelites were wandering in the desert for so many years. You provided manna, and told them to gather just enough for the day. Anymore, and it would spoil before morning.

Thank You for the warm socks on my feet, and my several pairs of shoes. Others are not so fortunate, and have not even one pair of shoes. Mine are soft and thick, and keep my feet very comfortable. I am grateful also, for my worn out red crocs. They are great for wearing outside, and not having to worry about getting them dirty in the mud. They aren't much to look at, but they do keep my feet happy.

Thank You for my online friends. I may never meet them in this life, but I call them sisters still. We pray together, weep together, and celebrate as well. They will drop everything to take my call or read my message, and pray for my concern, and I for them. Thank You for bringing us together in such a special way.

Thank You for all of my family; a loving, hardworking husband, and four outstanding children. They are so smart, kind, full of love, and goofy as well. They have been a pure blessing. Thank You for all of them. Thank You for the surprise of Jasey Rae. She is so precious and sweet, a miracle for all of us.

Thank You for the freedoms we have in this wonderful country of ours. Thank You for easy access to medical care, communication, freedom to travel, and a host of other freedoms we take for granted. Thank You also for those who have given their lives to assure our country remains so great. Thank You for the freedom of speech, so I can write this, and share it publicly without fear.

I am also grateful for my pets. They make us laugh with their antics, comfort us when we are down, and share with us when we are happy. Although, Father, I am not sure what You had in mind when You made ferrets. They are absolutely crazy!

Thank You for the freedom of religion, that we can attend church, and speak your name without fear of persecution. Thank You for all the saints and martyrs who persevered to attain this for us. Thank You for your birth, life, death on the Cross, and Resurrection, to bring us eternal life in Heaven with You. Also for all the love You have poured out on all of us.

I could definitely go on and on about Your love, and the blessings you have bestowed upon us. However, looking at the clock, I have to say thank You for one last thing, and that is sleep. The frogs have settled down, so it is time for me to do the same. I love You Jesus, and goodnight!

God Bless, Chela