Thursday, July 26, 2012

Check Those Receipts

I went grocery shopping today, and as usual, kept a careful running total on my phone's calculator of how much I was spending. I do this to keep in my budget, and it works most of the time. As a result, when the cashier was checking all the groceries through, I wasn't paying any attention to the total on the machine.

Towards the end, I glanced over and immediately started panicking. My total was much higher than I had expected, and the cashier wasn't done yet. Luckily we had the funds to cover it, but it would really blow our budget. When the total came, it was $191.82. I had only planned on $134. Oh boy! So on the way out, I looked over the receipt, trying to find where I had gone wrong in my shopping.

Yes, I went back in the store and they refunded my money. How upsetting though. What if I hadn't insisted on checking that receipt, and just accepted that I spent too much money on shopping. I would have continued stressing and beating myself up for something that wasn't even my fault. I do that. I'm glad I had the inclination to check the receipt and see what had happened. Computers can be wrong sometimes too.

God Bless,


Monday, July 9, 2012

water balloons

A friend of ours gifted us with a package of water balloons recently. We have had so much fun with them out in the pool. I thought I'd let you in on a little secret about filling them. At first, the kids were using the hose, and I was stressing about my water bill. Then ds found out you can fill them with the jets in our pool. (We have an in ground, I'm not sure if above ground pools have jets like this)

Step 1: fit balloon onto the nozzle that comes with the balloons:

Step 2: fit wide part of nozzle over the pool jet, and watch your balloon fill. Be careful, it can get too full really quick, and will burst on you. If you would like your balloon to float, blow some air in it after it fills with water.

Step 3: Tie your balloon to keep it filled. Tie a knot around your fingers, then slide off, and you're ready to go!

Step 4: a full water balloon, ready for launching

We didn't throw them at people, we tossed them around the pool, then went balloon hunting to see if they had popped. As mentioned earlier, blowing some air in the balloon after filling really helps, especially at night. Have fun!
