Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Sickness of Sin

A friend of mine was recently very ill. She tried to avoid going to the dr, but eventually had to concede and be seen. The dr determined she was sick enough to need antibiotics and other medicines to recover. She told me,
"I have to come to terms with the fact that I am unable to beat whatever infection it is on my own. Basically, I have to admit that I need help."

Isn't this a lot like our relationship with Jesus? We flounder along in our illness (sin) and try everything to find forgiveness, and fill the empty void inside that has us so unhappy. But until we admit we need help, and turn to the dr (Jesus, the Great Physician and Healer) we will not get any better. We are unable to purge ourselves of sin and darkness. We have to turn to the Savior Jesus Christ.

In Romans 6:23, Scripture tells us the wages of sin is death. Yet God had mercy on us, and sent his Son to die in our place, to give us forgiveness, and eternal life with Him in Heaven. John 3:16. All you have to do is turn your life over to Jesus, and ask to be healed from your infection of sin. There are no insurance co-pays, no waiting room, no missing work, just a prayer to the Father, and your heart is healed. He even sent a Book to guide you along on your journey. What a Father He is!

Jesus wants us to live in the light, to be happy, and free from sin. He wants our eternity to be spent with Him in Heaven. He has buckets of blessings ready to bestow on you, if only you believe in Him. Peace, forgiveness, eternal life, and a Father always ready to sit down and listen to the concerns of your heart. He loves to hear how your day went, your concerns, and your worries. Don't forget the praise; Jesus loves to hear how much you love Him, and that you think the new spring flowers are beautiful.

Ask Jesus into your heart today. It's a simple prayer; admit you are a sinner in need of healing, choose to believe in Jesus with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. Mt 22:37-38 He will come to live in your heart, and you can know a peace that surpasses all understanding, and a love beyond all comprehending. A love that died on a wooden Cross, and rose again in three days to break the power of death and give us all eternal life. Thank You Jesus


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dance is...

 Watching your dancer perfect her dance moves day after day in the kitchen, restaurants, church and hardware stores.

Long hours of practice for your dancer preparing for competition.

So much make-up!

hotel reservations, and how far is it from the convention center?

managing the jigsaw puzzle of suitcases, dance bags, coolers, blankets, pillows and kids in the car.

Mom, I need a spray tan!

No sleep!

glittery, smiling faces anxious to perform on stage

hours and hours in hard plastic chairs

Too much Adele

Your eyes well up with tears watching your dancer perform, and she is dancing for Jesus

Waiting for results, although in your heart, your dancer is always number one

 Quit thanking everyone and just get to the results already!

Tears run down your face as you hear your dancer took first

Congrats and pictures

After sitting through 500 something dances, you could surely choreograph the next competiton routine

Getting home with a tired dancer at midnight, and still getting up at 6am for school

Arriving home sick and exhausted, then still staying up to brainstorm this, because writing is my passion!

Congrats DD!! We are really proud of you, keep dancing in your heart.

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