Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Graduation!

It was your high school graduation, and you were so excited! Four long years of high school coming to an end, finally. The evening was perfect; nice and warm, and the ceremony was held on the football field to accommodate all the friends and family of the graduates. As you lined up to start your procession, your mind was on the party that night at a nearby hotel.

The speeches over, the awards handed out, it was time for diplomas. They finally reached your name, and you proudly made your way across the field to take your certificate. Everyone clapped and cheered for you, they were so excited.

As you glanced up at your family, you saw them all smiling back at you. Your mom and dad, your aunt and uncle, and your grandfather sitting in the stands. You stopped in your tracks when you saw who was standing next to them-YOUR BROTHER! Your brother who has been deployed to Afghanistan for the past 9, 10 months now. He wasn't due home until Oct/Nov. at the earliest, but there he is! He is standing there in full uniform, smiling at you, so proud.

Your brother had been your best friend growing up. You two always hung out together, and you could tell him anything. He was the one that had to approve of all your boyfriends before they were allowed to take you out. If anyone gave you a hard time, they had to deal with your brother for it.

Then you dropped your diploma onto the soft grass. Standing beside your brother was Jesus! Your Lord, Savior, King, the Prince of Peace, Counselor, your Mighty Redeemer. He's been your best friend, your King, your Confidant, your Guide in life. A Babe born in a manger, who preached peace, love and forgiveness throughout His life on earth. Then He died upon a Cross for your sins, so you could live forever with Him in Heaven! You can't believe He is here, really here to see you!

So, who do you hug first?

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