Sunday, July 21, 2013

I am sorry to say, your blogger friend is an idiot. Yes, it's true, and unfortunately, it is time you knew this. Oh you've been following my blog, and perhaps thought my writings to be clever or well written. Maybe in just this one area, I can be on occasion, although I really give the Glory to my Heavenly Father, who is responsible for this talent. Yet in other areas, like my job,I can be a hopeless idiot.

I was scheduled to work Sunday, and as we are in the Bible belt, we start late on this day. So I got up, and let everyone else shower, and prepare for church. I left, fueled up my car, and headed out. Clocking in, I notice I'm right on time, 11:30. Great!! I head down to the parking area, thinking about all the things I need to do to get started. Hit the trailer canopy to release water puddles, check the CD player, hook the key to my pants.

As I approach parking, I see the trailer, but it's absolutely full, and everyone has expensive cameras. What the heck? I rush to park the car, and jump on the trailer. I can't talk to my partner until we arrive at the Veldt gate. As I pass by to unlock the gate, I quietly ask him if I am late. Yes, I was
supposed to be there an hour ago. Yeah, at 10:30. I'm such an idiot!

No idea why I thought 11:30. I mean I've been on this job for nearly a year, you'd think I'd know what time to be there by now. I've always been so careful about showing up on time, stressing myself out one day when I was 8 minutes late. Then I happily show up 60 minutes late, all smiles that I'm on time.

Your prayers are welcome for this poor blogger, that she gets a clue and can pull herself together.

God Bless,

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