Sunday, April 29, 2012

What a Weekend

This weekend has been crazy and busy from start to finish. It's been run run run, with no break. For the most part, it's been fun, just so busy. Okay, enough of that; here's my weekend.

Friday I got youngest out the door, then was in my room before taking ds to school. As usual, I looked out my window to make sure that all was well with the pool. There was a splotch of dirt in the deep end that shouldn't have been there. I looked again, and it had a tail. I yelled for ds to come in, and he concluded that it was a possum. Blech, in the deep end, on the bottom of the pool.

I dug the hole for him in the yard, and fished the poor guy out with the pool net. I've held these at the zoo, so it's hard to deal with a dead one. On the other hand, I've also been bitten by them, so I'm not too heartbroken. I attempt to get the thing out of the net, but am having a hard time. I feel the 10' pool pole hit something. Oh my gosh, I forgot about the overhead power line! By the grace of God I was not electrocuted. Finish up what I am doing, and give thanks to God for sparing my life. I can't believe I was so careless, but thankful to my Savior for watching over me always.

Half day for the kids, and I'm watching my friend's kids after school. Finally send them home around 4. They didn't want to leave, even after their parents were back. They enjoy playing video games with my kids. There's a bit of an age difference, (mine are older) but it doesn't seem to be a problem at all. They've been fast friends for years. It seemed at one point that my friend would forever be in the land of sippy cups and potty training. Then one day, her kids just grew up on us. Now she's dealing with driver's licenses, and puberty. I guess it happens to the best of us.

DD had an FFA Convention Thursday-Saturday two hours away from here. She was receiving a state degree, a high honor for the organization. She also had a track meet two hours further north from the FFA event. On Saturday. She could work this out if we could figure how to get her from activity A to activity B. After much discussion, it was decided that I would go up Friday, spend the night in the hotel, see her get her degree on Saturday morning, then run her up to the track meet. Then we'd be home Saturday evening.

It worked out really well when college kid called and announced he'd be home Friday night, and stay the weekend. I had planned on my friend keeping the boys, but this would be even better. I left around 5:30 Friday night, and made it safely to the hotel. I was rooming with some friends of the family, and we had a nice time visiting. Up early Saturday to be at the convention by 8am. DD received her award, and we booked out of there. I was kind of surprised to see daylight when we walked outside, the area we were in was completely dark except for the stage. I kept thinking it was at night.

We hit a huge traffic jam on the way to the track meet, and were going nowhere for about 30 minutes. I was so worried dd would be late. It didn't help much when we made it to the school, and saw pole vault poles up in the air. Oh dear, this might not be good. It turned out to be the boys' pole vault event, and dd still had 90 minutes to spare. Thank You Father!

The meet was held at a Christian school, and it was just beautiful. Set up like a college campus, beautiful buildings, beautiful track and football field. They had this verse written on one of the walls: "No matter what happens, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Jesus." Philippians 1:27 I like that verse.

DD's event was finally called, and she got 7 feet. She wasn't really happy with herself, felt that she could have done better, (she's gotten 8') but she gave it her best, and that is what matters. I'm really proud of her. I think one contributing factor was plain exhaustion. She had been at the convention for three days, rooming with three friends of hers, I know she didn't sleep. That's all she did in the car, and once we got home. Maybe if she'd been fresh, she could have done better. But she gave it her all, and I'm proud. (I can't say anything anyway, my fat butt surely wouldn't have made it seven inches, even with a pole.)

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