Monday, August 19, 2013

Jasey Rae

Hi Jasey Rae, it's Grandma again. Gosh I love you so much, you are just a sparkle in my eye, and a smile in my heart. I can't believe you are almost 6 months old already. Six months since your daddy called to tell me you were here. It doesn't seem like that much time has passed.

You've gone from a helpless newborn to a little lady who knows what she wants! You can scoot to what you want, roll over, sit up, and now pull to a stand. Oh and the talking! You babble and babble, especially first thing in the morning. One day I heard you talking, and went to get you out of the crib so mom and dad could have some more rest. You beamed up at me with the biggest smile I've ever seen. Then you wanted to say good morning to Daddy.

I had a wonderful time on my birthday with you and your parents. I could think of no better way to celebrate my special day than with my precious little granddaughter. You are getting so big, and every time I see you, you've grown so much in size and skills. One evening while I was there, Daddy went to rub some stuff on your gums to help with your teething. Suddenly he shrieked in surprise, "She has a tooth!" Oh we were so excited and happy for your first tooth!! Just after that, you cut another one. No more toothless smiles for you my sweetie.

I'm so excited for all the stuff we can do together! One day I was in a store, and a lady was talking on her cell phone to her grand daughter. I'm not sure how old she was, but apparently the child was going on a trip. Listening to her, I realized one day I can talk to you on the phone! I'm so excited!!! We can go out for ice cream, (your dad took me for ice cream on my birthday), ride a merry go round, go to children's museums....I can't wait!!

You have to hear about the Fernbank museum. I took your uncles Matt and Josh, and your auntie Angie when we visited last. They have lots of stuff about Georgia history, and animals, but the best part was the kids floor! A huge area devoted just to you. They have a pretend river that actually splashes, a tree house, a suspension bridge, a sunken shrimp boat, microscopes that display on screens, slides, so much kid stuff!! We have to go there when you get a bit bigger. It was so much fun!!

I don't get up to see you as much as I would like, but do know I think of you every day, and my heart just swells with love. We talk about you all the time. I'd heard that grandchildren are even more special than your own children, but until you have one, you don't understand.

Oh, about that frowny face picture of you in your high chair. You had just gotten a high chair, and this was the first or second time you'd been in it. You were so excited, because it gave you such a different view of things, plus your chair means food! (who doesn't love that) So you were smiling and babbling...until Auntie Angie took your picture. You did not like the flash at all, and she ended up with a picture of a precious little frown. LOL

Love you much sweetie, you're a precious little doll.

Love, Grandma

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