Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Personal S P A C E

I've met a few interesting characters this month. As the saying goes, it takes all kinds to make the world go around. Some people you like the minute you meet, and some you wouldn't want to run into again. Yet others you warm up to over time. The characters I ran into lately have fallen into the never meet again category.

At our town's May Day festival, I was perusing the vendor booths while I waited for the parade to start. In the rain no less, but I guess that doesn't pertain to the story. I digress. As I am looking over desserts at one booth, a lady runs up and asks if I remember her. No, so she introduced herself. She used to be a neighbor of mine, but it's been years since I've seen her. She's now married with two children. Before I can say anything, she launches into a diatribe about how hard it is to be a stay at home mom. She included her schedule, and her child's disability in there as well. I felt like I was under attack, and I hadn't said anything!

Fast forward to my daughter's graduation. The ceremony was very professional, and enjoyable. DD was properly graduated and turned her tassel, then the ceremony dismissed. With 146 graduates, plus friends and family outside, it was complete chaos, and we couldn't find dd. We were standing around waiting for her when this small child runs up and grabs my rear! At first, I thought; okay, he was just running and I was in his way, so he grabbed me rather than crash. The second time I wasn't quite as accommodating, and spend the rest of the time standing up against a brick wall.

Fast forward again to church last Sunday. We went to a church we don't normally attend, because they were honoring graduates, dd included. The pastor asked the graduates and parents to stand before the congregation at the end of the service, so everyone could see us. Ladies came up and started hugging on me, telling me they were so proud of dd, or they didn't know I was her mom. (what do you say to that?) One lady, with a very ample bosom (to be polite here) came up and wrapped her arms around me, and proceeded to well....not keep that ample bosom to herself. Then she asked me how so and so was doing. She acted quite disappointed and put out when I commented she had the wrong person and I didn't know. Yes, I live on the same street, but that doesn't mean I am all up in her business. Especially when family members of the lady in question were just a few feet away.

So these snapshots lead me to the point of this post. I need personal s p a c e. Especially if I don't know you. An average person's personal space is 3 feet around him or her. Please don't invade this bubble! Feel free to approach and talk to me, ask if I remember you, or talk about something we may have in common. I do not want physical contact unless I know you, I love you, I miss you, one of us (or both) is about to die. Even then....

I hope this doesn't make me less of a Christian. Jesus told us to love our enemies, but did He specify allowing them to wallow all over us? Probably He did. After all, Jesus healed the woman who had suffered with bleeding for 12 years just because she had the faith to touch His garment, and believe she would be healed. Matthew 9:18-26

He also washed the disciples feet at the Last Supper, but that was with men he knew intimately. John 13:1-20. Who am I kidding, He knows all of us intimately! I am sorry, Father, for shunning Your sheep. You loved us all unconditionally and accepted us without reservation. Please instill in me the grace to be more understanding and accepting of your lambs. I love You Jesus!!

God Bless

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