Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The turtle...or the dog

I was driving down the highway today with my daughter, and noticed a turtle in the road. Of course, I didn't want him to get hit by a car, so I pulled over to move him out of danger. It took me a bit to stop, so I had to jog back a ways to get to the little guy.

Except after just a few steps,a snarling, angry dog came charging out of a driveway, not in the least amused with my intrusion on his territory. As I headed back to the car, the dog retreated to his home. That left me with a dilemma. Do I risk the dog again to rescue this turtle, or just let it be?

I thought maybe if I turned the car around, I could drive to the turtle and save him that way. But he was still awfully close to the dog. In the end, the dog won, and I drove on. Hope the little guy made it across without incident. Sorry buddy, but I couldn't get chewed up by a dog in the middle of nowhere to save you.


1 comment:

  1. Maybe DD should kiss the frog - it might turn into a prince!
