Sunday, September 22, 2013


This has been swirling around in my head for the past few weeks, I just haven't taken the time to write. As it is nearing the end of September, (that went fast!) I figure I better get this down. Plus it will get it out of my head, and down here for you.

They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Well, September came in like a ton of bricks. In the first 8 days of the month, my Grandma passed away, my daughter left for college, and my husband retired from the military. Wow!

It seems a lot like several endings in the time span of a week. But then again, these could be seen as beginnings. The beginning of our grieving for our beloved Grandma, and the beginning of her new life in Heaven. Although we hurt, and miss her so much, we know she is dancing in Heaven, and no longer hurting here on Earth. All of her stress and sufferings are gone, and only happiness remains with Our Lord Jesus.

It was emotional when my daughter left for college, she is such a bright spot around the house. Yet when all your child talks about is college, when you see a new light her eyes when she talks about it, you know that is where she belongs. I saw the same thing in her brother when he went off to college. Just like the movie "Finding Nemo", the sea turtle is talking to Marlin about letting his son grow up. The turtle says, "When they know, you'll know. You know?"

Although I miss her a lot, I know she is happy. I can hear it in her voice every time she calls home. The new friends she is making, her instructors, her volunteer work, the flooded bathrooms, falling out of the hammock, her search for a church, everything. She is so very ecstatically happy. It's a great feeling knowing how hard she worked to be accepted (really, she was a shoe in) and how she is now living her dream. We can see how Jesus is working in her life, and we're excited to see the plans He has for her. 'For I have a plan for you, says the Lord, a plan to prosper and not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.' Jeremiah 29:11

My husband retiring from the military was really uncharted territory for us. We've been married for 23 years, and he's been in the United States Air Force for 25. So it's been a part of our lives from the beginning. The kids and I had no idea what to expect at the ceremony, but it went very well. Professional and formal, yet personal as well. Then just like that, the military experience is over. No more packing the truck with uniforms, boots, briefcase, hat, his 50 lb drag bag, etc. No more 2 week annual tours the week of your child's graduation that are actually 3 weeks. No more threat of deployment. It is really strange. On one hand, I'm glad he is done, I was tired of the military duty every month. But on the other hand, it's kind of like saying goodbye to an old friend. However my husband has been home so much more since he retired, and I've noticed his stress level has decreased, so I can see it's a good thing.

Through all of this, I know Jesus has been holding our family in His hands, giving us comfort and guidance. We have felt the prayers of others, and His Loving Arms around us. And for these, we are grateful. Thank You Jesus for these new beginnings in life. I love You, Amen

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