Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Did you hear about...

I think I originally heard a version of this on the radio, and it has really stuck with me. It has a good message. So credit to whomever came up with it first.

You know that lady at church, June, the one who is always giving out the refreshments after service. I've heard she leaves her home, and sees another man nearly every day. Her children are left home alone for long stretches of time. You know she is married to Dave, that guy that plays the sax in the choir. For shame!

That paragraph paints a pretty sad picture of June. Her reputation is pretty much down the drain with that information floating around. She and Dave could both lose their good standing in the church if the elders found out about this.

What if I told you the man she visits almost every night is her father, who is terminally ill? And that her children are teenagers, who are perfectly capable of looking after themselves for a few hours. That changes things, doesn't it? Do you look differently at June now, when she hands you a cookie after service, or offers you a sign of peace?

How are we talking about the people in our daily lives? Are we giving the whole story when we speak of them, or half truths meant to tear other people down? In Scripture, the Lord tells us to "Therefore encourage one another, and build each other up, just as you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Speak of things that build our neighbors up, and encourage them. People will remember how you made them feel above all else, so speak in a way that leaves people smiling when they have been in your presence. Speak highly of others, even when you are not in their presence. You never know the burden another person is carrying in his heart.

I think my daughter says it best, "Don't be talkin' bout folks!"

God bless!


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