Friday, January 31, 2014

Lesson Learned

I went into town today to order my son's class ring. Afterwards, lunch sounded like a great idea. Although it could very well have been just in my head 'hey, we're in town, and there is a fast food place. Gee, you're hungry!' Regardless, I stopped in to grab a bite before heading home.

As soon as I walked in, I noticed a friend of mine, Frank. I should have been happy; this gentleman is really nice, and I haven't seen him in a while. Still, he would want to talk, and I wasn't feeling very social really. Still, I plastered on a smile, and made some small talk during lunch. Towards the end of my meal, Frank mentioned that he should be heading home. Here it comes, he's subtly asking for me to give him a ride.

Frank has a very hard time getting around. He relies on a cane, but even with that, walking is incredibly difficult for him. I thought perhaps he was born with spina bifida, but he was actually run over by a cow when he was younger. (He volunteered this, I didn't ask)

I thought about the situation, and realized I was acting incredibly selfishly. It brightened Frank's day to see me, and chat for a bit. It would take maybe 10 minutes to drive him home, and the rest of the afternoon was mine. I bowed my head, and asked for Our Lord's forgiveness. 'I'm sorry Father, please forgive my attitude. Please allow me to be cheerful to do Your will, and to help Frank. Thank You for bringing me here today.'

I drove my friend to his house, just a short jaunt up the road, and went about my day, happy to have helped my brother in Christ, and to have participated just a bit in God's work. Please help me to be a cheerful giver, and to do Your will Father. Amen

God Bless,

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