Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Thanksgiving to Remember

Ahhh..Thanksgiving...a time to gather with loved ones, enjoy a delectable meal, and remember the first settlers to make our wonderful land their home. a Southern Living magazine, maybe. Here is how Thanksgiving played out at our house! The week before the holiday, I had helped our zoo with a booth at the fair, talking to hundreds of people. Naturally, one of them was kind enough to share some crud with me, so I spent the next several days in bed.

After a visit to the dr, a sore hip, and a boatload of meds, I was starting to feel human again. Just in time for a pipe to break in our bathroom. Now remember, this is only one week before Thanksgiving. The break flooded both bathrooms, and left us unable to use the kitchen sink or dishwasher.

Friday, ds #2 has his wisdom teeth out. I also receive a phone call informing me of unexpected company for Thanksgiving. I thought college kid and his girlfriend were coming the week after the holiday.

Monday, college kid and I hit Lowe's for supplies to fix the pipe. Washing dishes in coolers is quickly getting old. College kid then informs me he is going to remodel our kitchen floor over Thanksgiving break, replacing the horrid brown linoleum with beautiful ceramic tile.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, he didn't get the first tiles down until Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. Did I mention they can't be touched/stepped on/breathed upon for 24 hours? Fortunately, by the time I needed the kitchen to start preparing our meal, the floor was dry and able to be stepped on.

Since the kitchen/dining area was a work in progress, we rolled up our beautiful area rug, and ate in the living room. The day before Turkey day, dh and I had visited a friend of ours, and found out they weren't having a Thanksgiving. Due to a planned road trip on Black Friday, they were not going to mess with cooking a big meal. Before I knew it, the words, "Please come to our home, and share a meal with us. We'll have plenty of food" came tumbling out of my mouth.

I prayed as we prepared food, that we would have enough. Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes to feed the 5,000, surely he could multiply our feast enough to feed eleven. (John 6:1-14) And He did. We ran out of only one dessert, and in fact, had enough leftovers to feed us for 4 days. Twelve baskets of leftovers indeed.

For all my stressing, worry, and craziness leading up to the celebration, we had a great Thanksgiving. Jesus keeps working on me, and I shall one day learn to trust Him to supply all our needs. Thank You Father for a great celebration. I love You, amen.


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