Monday, August 8, 2011

I thought it was funny!

It was about 10:30pm last night, and everyone was tucked into bed, dreaming about our wonderful weekend at the beach. I couldn't sleep, and kept hearing a strange noise. It sounded like a kitten, and I thought maybe our little Hershey was trapped in a room or something. I decided to get up and account for all the cats.

Julie was on my pillow, so I knew it wasn't her. My bedroom window is prime real estate, looking out over the pool, so I assumed someone would be on the sill. It was really dark as I reached my hand over to feel for a kitty.

Sure enough, there was a cat there! Bear jumped up and came flying out of the window, and tore across my dresser. With enough noise to awaken the neighborhood, he continued on flying out of my room, across the hallway, and into ds' room. Unfortunately, he made enough noise to wake dh, who surely thought the world had ended.

I quickly explained it was just the cat, trying not to laugh too loudly. I gave that up entirely when I had to tell ds why the cat had run into his room with the hounds of on his tail. Certainly I used up another of Bear's 9 lives when I touched him in that window sill. I'm not sure why I scared him so badly, I guess he thought everyone was asleep, so it must be a big monster after him. Poor guy.

Everyone else was quiet and accounted for that evening. I think it was the quail I was hearing after all. I kept chuckling about the whole thing until I fell asleep. I'm so glad animals are quick to forgive, or I might not be around to write this to you.


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