My grandchildren have come and gone once again. What a difference in my life and household when they are here, and how quiet and lonely when they are gone.
I can walk swiftly though the house....I'd rather carefully watch my step dodging toys and books
My kitchen floor is clean, my cupboards are neatly stacked with pots and pans.,,,,I'd rather they were a jumble all over the kitchen floor
My refrigerator door is covered in neatly arranged magnets...I'd rather they were in a bucket, or a saucepan, or on the door, or the dishwasher, or carried about by little hands
I can eat in peace, with no one watching....I'd rather have little mouths like koi fish begging for my meal
I can carry on a phone conversation in peace.....I'd rather have to go outside to talk
My sink is empty, my dishwasher idle.....I'd rather have overflowing dishes, and a constantly running machine trying to catch up
I can relax in the evenings and watch tv.....I'd rather sit with a sleepy little one and read him a book
The dogs are goofing around all over the house....I'd rather have them playing with the children
My stove sits idle and clean....I'd rather it be full of pots and pans cooking for little ones
My heart is lonely....I'd rather have it full of a child's love