Every weekday morning, I take my dd to her friend's house, and they drive in to school together. A few houses down, a gentleman waits in front of his home for the local transit. I assume he is on his way to work. The gentleman seems nice enough-older than myself, not especially tall.
I know it's early in the morning, but I still try to give a friendly wave as I pass by. However, every time, the man shuns my attempts. He pulls his hat down over his eyes, or covers his face with his hands. I find it so frustrating; I just want to say hi.
After some months of this, I mention the problem to dd, and point out the man to her when I drop her off at her friend's home. DD replied, "Oh, that's Butch. Look, he's waving to all the cars."
I feel bouyed by this observation, and this time, I make sure to give him a big wave and smile as I pass by. Only to be greeted by a quick lowering of the bill of his hat, and a ducking of the head. Complete disappointment once again.
I wonder if he is special needs, and is uncomfortable with such attention. Perhaps he was only waving at the cars traveling in the other direction, that were further away from him. I don't know, it's so frustrating.
The only thing I can do is pray for him, and hope he knows the love His Savior has for him, and that some random lady that drives by most every weekday has noticed him, and cares deeply for him. Maybe one day he'll see my smile.
God bless